Our ‚1 penny for 1 can’ donation scheme continues, with a $500 donation to the UOG Marine Lab. Professor Terry J Donaldson received the check on behalf of the Marine Lab, and said the funds would be used to help a graduate student deliver a conference on practices in conservation.
GUAM1 Beer is an original brand lager-style beer, made exclusively for the Guam market, using the finest ingredients in the USA. Its design embodies the spirit of Guam, with elements including palm trees, an underwater scene, and the Gadao cave drawings. The beer’s slogan is ‘Sen Paire’, a Chamorro phrase, which can be translated as ‘Champion’.
The ‘GUAM1 – 1 penny for 1 can’ donation scheme will see check donations presented to local organizations which have a focus on preserving Guam’s unique natural and cultural environments, with the donation amounts based on the number of cans and bottles of GUAM1 sold.
This donation to the University of Guam Marine Lab marks the second $500 donation given since the inception of the donation program.
Professor Terry J Donaldson received the check from GUAM1 Girl Rebecca Travis, and said the funds would be used to help education efforts to teach practices in conservation.
You can buy GUAM1 Beer at many retail stores and restaurants, so check it out today; but instead of toasting ‘Cheers!’ or ‘Kanpai!’, GUAM1 beer tastes gof mungi when toasted with ‘Sen Paire!’
GUAM1 Girl Rebecca Travis presents a $500 check donation to Professor Terry J. Donaldson of the University of Guam Marine Lab.